Monthly Archives: January 2013

Tag, I’m it! The Next Big Thing

Way back in October, the lovely and talented Nikki Hopeman tagged me to answer 10 questions about my work in progress. I… um… sat on those questions for a while. *hangs head in shame*

Meanwhile, my alter-ego got tagged with 10 questions about a work in progress as part of The Next Big Thing blog hop. And I recognized those questions!

So while I was writing up the answers for my pen name’s WIP, I wrote up The Next Big Thing for me. So here it is:

 What is the working title of your book?

As you can see from the various snippets that litter this blog, the working title of the novel is Herald. This will change, I’m sure.

Where did the idea come from for the book?


No, really. While procrastinating on rewriting the opening to another novel, I ended up writing a 6,000-word fanfic based on the 1989 movie version of Shakespeare’s Henry V. After I wrote that, I started in on another…that had me changing history left, right, and center. It occurred to me that if I stopped, sat back, world-built the Hundred Years war period differently, and added some magic, and set it on another planet, I could have an original piece of fantasy fiction. Because playing with my own characters has always been more fun. And hey! I can change history if I’m making it up.

So I did. There’s an aging and infirmed king, a princess who plots against her brother, the prince and heir. A duke who sees a path to the throne. A young foreign king whose own country still reverberates from the civil war his father and he fought, who seeks to reclaim lands given to his line previously, but also wants what is best for all his people (or the people he thinks are his…), and a royal herald stuck in the middle while two kingdoms fight, his king slowly deteriorates, and his kings heirs plot against each other.

Plus magical names, blood magic, and telepathic links to books.

What genre does your book fall under?

Epic fantasy, most likely.

Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?

vlcsnap-2013-01-29-21h20m49s26*Cough* I still picture Kenneth Branagh as my Henry stand-in (That would be the Red King from the snippets) and vlcsnap-2011-05-28-14h13m17s195Christopher Ravenscroft as my Montjoy stand in (Denis de Mont from the snippets. And yes, the name is an homage to the French battle cry, Montjoie! Saint Denis! as well as the character of Montjoy.) Not as the gentlemen are now, but how they were at the time of the Henry V movie.

What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?

Revenan royal herald Denis de Mont is caught between his loyalty to King and country and the charisma of the invading Angth king who will either destroy all that Denis loves…or save it, at the price of freedom.

Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?

With this one, I’ll fight hard to get an agent for it. But that’s a ways off.

How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?

I’ll let you know when I finish it. I’d like to get most of it written this year, but it’s an expansive project and there are other books I’m also writing, so I suspect this will be a 1-2 year project.

What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?

 I’m aiming at a kind of Guy Gavriel Kay feel, though really, I can’t escape my own style, so I’m bound to miss. If I can tap into a quarter of what makes Kay’s writing so awesome, I’ll be the happiest gal on the planet.

Who or what inspired you to write this book?

Too many rewatches of the KB Henry V movie. That and watching the woman fighters in the SCA.

What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?

The Catherine-analogous character will be more along the lines of Joan of Arc, I think. That is, she’s going to have brass balls and know how to use them. And a sword.

Categories: Writing

Science Fiction Fantasy Saturday


SFF Saturday is a group of authors who post snippets of SFF prose and poetry for comment. You can check out other SFF Saturday posts, too.

My snippet is another few lines from a work in progress called Herald (at the moment). Eventually, the project be a fantasy loosely based on the Hundred Years War, but it’s in the very early draft stages.

I’ve put all the previous snippets together here, if you need to catch up.

When we last saw Denis and the enemy King of Angth, Denis had just encountered a corpse of a fellow countryman, only he doesn’t know the man’s name.

This time, Denis had to place both of his hands on the ground to steady his shaking body. “I don’t know him,” he whispered to the earth.

“Then we move on,” the king said.

Denis shook his head, just enough to indicate his defiance. Rough hands gripped Denis’s arm and yanked him upward.

“On your feet.” A gruff voice, unlike the King’s. One of his guards, then.

“Soft, William. Let him be.”

Categories: SFF Saturday

Science Fiction Fantasy Saturday


SFF Saturday is a group of authors who post snippets of SFF prose and poetry for comment. You can check out other SFF Saturday posts, too.

My snippet is another few lines from a work in progress called Herald (at the moment). Eventually, the project be a fantasy loosely based on the Hundred Years War, but it’s in the very early draft stages.

I’ve put all the previous snippets together here, if you need to catch up.

When we last saw Denis and the enemy King of Angth, the Red King mentioned that he didn’t want to hear the screams of the dead.

The Red King strode away. “Come, I’ll give you the names of our fallen, for you are half-way across the field.”

A more careful scan of the land confirmed the king’s words. Hope, a slim thread of it, lay at the back of Denis’s throat like the smell of warmth on a winter’s day. Denis followed the proud back of the Red King, knelt by the next body, touched flesh with flesh, spoke the dead’s name, and moved on.

The Revenan dead still outnumbered the others despite their being closer to the Angth side of the field, but the Red King’s people became more frequent. Many of the Angth were common and unknown to Denis, but their king knew every one of them. Denis touched their skin and spoke their names into the Dragon Herald’s book.

All the more deep was Denis’s shame when they reached a Revenan man he couldn’t name.


Categories: SFF Saturday

Science Fiction Fantasy Saturday


SFF Saturday is a group of authors who post snippets of SFF prose and poetry for comment. You can check out other SFF Saturday posts, too.

My snippet is another few lines from a work in progress called Herald (at the moment). Eventually, the project be a fantasy loosely based on the Hundred Years War, but it’s in the very early draft stages.

Previous Snippets:

I can’t believe I’m up to the tenth snippet! We’re also closing in on the end of this scene…

When we last saw Denis and the enemy King of Angth, the Red King had just let slip that he needed Denis alive and unharmed. Hmm…

“Sire, my value to the Prince is slight–”

“If your Prince does not see your worth, then he’s more a fool than I thought.”

The blunt statement silenced Denis and dried his already dusty mouth.

“I have enough of your court for ransom.” He flicked a hand out toward the remainder of the field. “Finish your duty to your King, herald, then bring me the count. I would know both Our pains.”

He could only bow at that. “I thank you, Sire, for your leave.”

“I have no desire to hear the screams of the dead.”

Categories: SFF Saturday

Science Fiction Fantasy Saturday


Happy New Year!! One of my goals this year is to make significant strides in the WIP I’ve been posting here, partly because of posting here, so thank you!

SFF Saturday is a group of authors who post snippets of SFF prose and poetry for comment. You can check out other SFF Saturday posts, too.

My snippet is another few lines from a work in progress called Herald (at the moment). Eventually, the project be a fantasy loosely based on the Hundred Years War, but it’s in the very early draft stages.

Previous Snippets:

When we last saw Denis and the enemy King of Angth, the king had not yet killed Dennis. Hurrah! Denis asks for time to finish his task and the king informs him that he’s also sent his herald to name the dead, along with one of the captives he holds.

The Duke of Anjay had been taken captive as well. He, out of all of those taken, would know the names of the ignoble dead. Denis turned, too quickly, for the guard’s blades came flashing toward him. Denis’s heart leapt to his throat.

Only the Red King’s raised hand stopped the swords from touching Denis.

“Do have a care. I need you alive and unharmed.” A faint smile parted the king’s lips, then disappeared.

Denis stepped back, more from the threat laced into the king’s statement than from the naked steel hovering nearby.

Categories: SFF Saturday

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