Monthly Archives: January 2014

Science Fiction Fantasy Saturday: Old Wounds #21

Look at that! It’s Saturday! That means it’s time for another round of SFF Saturday posts! What’s SFF Saturday? It’s a blog ring of SF/F snippets and you can check out other SFF Saturday posts, as well.

Here’s another snippet from Old Wounds for you. This is the twenty-first part. You can find the other parts here.

When we last left Master Sorne and Ambrose, he told her if he didn’t do as Moroloch said, the criminal would send Ambrose his daughter’s head.

Sorne pushed the image of her own son’s severed head from her mind. “Why come to me?”

“As a child, I heard all the stories about the war with the Beshtas. The King, the Rivvis, Raventhe—and you, Captain Sorne. You know the Palace. I—“ he faltered. “I’ve never been to Estefe.”

She would have laughed at the ridiculousness of it all. If he hadn’t pointed a gun at Dilan’s head, if it were not Moroloch, if there wasn’t a three-year-old girl being held hostage. She hoped—beyond all hope—that the child was still alive.

Sorne has a history. Not all of it is happy.

Categories: SFF Saturday

Where I’ll be in 2014

Travel by Moyan_Brenn

Travel by Moyan_Brenn

All over the place, it turns out. I’ve added an Appearances page, but here’s the list:

May 13th – 18th: RT Booklovers Convention, New Orleans, LA

June 26th – 29th: In Your Write Mind Workshop, Greensburg, PA

Jul7 17th – 20th: DetCon1 (NASFiC), Detroit, MI

July 25th – 27th: Confluence, Mars, PA (Greater Pittsburgh)

August 14th – 18th: LonCon3 (WorldCon), London, England

September 26th – 28th: Context, Columbus, OH

October 16th – 19th: GayRomLit, Chicago, IL

November 6th – 9th: World Fantasy, Arlington, VA (Washington DC)

Categories: Uncategorized

Science Fiction Fantasy Saturday: Old Wounds #20

It’s time for another installment of Science Fiction Saturday! It’s a blog ring of SF/F snippets and you can check out other SFF Saturday posts, as well.

Here’s another snippet from Old Wounds for you. This is the twentieth part. You can find the other parts here.

When we last left Master Sorne and Ambrose, she’d told him Moroloch wanted a very large sapphire.

Of course, the King’s stone. Moroloch was a right bastard. Still, she let Ambrose voice the plan.

“There’s only one other, in the King’s treasury.”

It was actually on a shelf in Oradon’s bedroom, but only those closest to the King would know that. She nodded. “And so they sent you to steal the one in the Palace. Or lose your daughter.”

His shrug was one of helplessness. “If I refused, he said he’d send me my daughter’s head.”

Moroloch is not on Sorne’s good guy list…

Categories: SFF Saturday

Science Fiction Fantasy Saturday: Old Wounds #19

Well, hello again! I want to blog more this year, so I’m back posting for Science Fiction Saturday! It’s a blog ring of SF/F snippets and you can check out other SFF Saturday posts, as well.

Here’s another snippet from Old Wounds for you. This is the nineteenth part. You can find the other parts here.

The cue word for this week is Cascade. I’m going to cheat a bit, because I haven’t been around in a while. What we have here is a cascade of trouble for Ambrose.

When we last left Master Sorne, she’d declared Moroloch, the man who’d given Ambrose a job, to be no gentleman.

“I know that now,” Ambrose said. “When the shipment disappeared, they broke into my home in the dark of the night, bound both me and my wife and took our girl.” His hands shook and anger turned his face darker. “I couldn’t do a damned thing.”

“They wanted you impotent.”

He jerked his head up. “Well, they succeeded. By the time Moroloch came, well into the light of the next day, I was—not myself. He offered me a way to get my child back. He didn’t care about the garnets or the emeralds, just the sapphire.”

Wonder what’s up with the sapphire?

Categories: SFF Saturday

Happy New Year!

Fireworks over Pittsburgh

Fireworks over Pittsburgh. Photo by daveynin

Well, my first resolution is to blog more often. As you can see, I’ve rather neglected my poor blog. So, to that end, I’ll be getting back involved in SFF Saturdays. I’ll also be blogging my module on Worldbuilding for non SF/F writers. And just randomly posting about how my writing is going.

2013 had ups and downs. One of the biggest ups was becoming a client of Jennifer Udden at Donald Maass Agency. I’m in the middle of revisions with her at the moment. Hopefully, 2014 will see these books out on submission!

The worst event of 2103 was not writing related. In October, lost my 14-year-old cat Jon to complications with diabetes. Jon was a European Burmese and a sweetie-pie. Full of purrs and cuddles and love. Animals crawl right into your heart and it’s hard when they’re gone. But I’m grateful for the time we did have.

Also in 2013, my pen name published a short story and the novel published in 2012 came out in Paperback. It’s currently a finalist in the EPIC awards for Best Paranormal Romance. The winner will be announced in March.

As far as writing goals for 2104:

  • Wrap up revisions on a romance novel for my pen name.
  • Wrap up revisions on a fantasy novel for this name. It’s set in the same world as Old Wounds, though with different characters.
  • Write new romance novel for pen name.
  • Write a sequel to fantasy novel above.
  • Edit some of my short stories and try to sell them.
  • Clean my office so I have somewhere professional to work.

What are your goals for 2014?

Categories: Uncategorized

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