Science Fiction Fantasy Saturday: Old Wounds #20

It’s time for another installment of Science Fiction Saturday! It’s a blog ring of SF/F snippets and you can check out other SFF Saturday posts, as well.

Here’s another snippet from Old Wounds for you. This is the twentieth part. You can find the other parts here.

When we last left Master Sorne and Ambrose, she’d told him Moroloch wanted a very large sapphire.

Of course, the King’s stone. Moroloch was a right bastard. Still, she let Ambrose voice the plan.

“There’s only one other, in the King’s treasury.”

It was actually on a shelf in Oradon’s bedroom, but only those closest to the King would know that. She nodded. “And so they sent you to steal the one in the Palace. Or lose your daughter.”

His shrug was one of helplessness. “If I refused, he said he’d send me my daughter’s head.”

Moroloch is not on Sorne’s good guy list…

Categories: SFF Saturday

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4 thoughts on “Science Fiction Fantasy Saturday: Old Wounds #20

  1. No, Moroloch is not a nice guy. I’m not surprised about Ambrose’s expression of helplessness. Let’s hope Sorne can come up with a plan! Good snippet – I’m looking forward to how this develops.

  2. I like that he was sending Ambrose on a mission to steal the sapphire and it wouldn’t have even been there. Fate seems to be playing a hand in him connecting with Sorne and she definitely seems motivated. Looking forward to their plans.

  3. Wonder how hard it is to counterfeit a sapphire?

  4. Talk about walking in blind. If it wasn’t fate that brought this man into contact with Sorne, he’s very lucky.

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