Science Fiction Fantasy Saturday: Old Wounds #13


Another Saturday has arrived! That means it’s time for another SFF Saturday Snippet! What’s SFF Saturday? It’s a group of authors who post snippets of SFF prose and poetry for comment. You can check out other SFF Saturday posts, too.

I had a great time at WisCon. Met some fine folks and saw some great panels. But I seem to have caught a cold. Ooof. Hopefully a weekend of warm weather and some OTC meds will fix that right up.

Here’s another snippet from Old Wounds! This is the Thirteenth part. You can find the other parts here.

When we left Master Sorne, she’d just told Dilan to get out of the shop, but not tell anyone what was going down.

“I’ll go out the back.” A moment later, Dilan was gone.

Sorne ran fingers through her hair, not surprised to find her skull damp with sweat. She leaned against the counter where she’d lain her blades. “Now, tell me your name.”

“Ambrose Terrin.” He brushed his hand over his face. “Is there somewhere we can sit? I—” He swayed.

Figured, now that his excitement and determination had worn off.

So. Ambrose. She has a name now.

Categories: SFF Saturday

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9 thoughts on “Science Fiction Fantasy Saturday: Old Wounds #13

  1. Seems like it’s the season for con crud…another fellow I know that went to ConQuest 44 caught it, and my wife is just getting over hers she picked up from the same spot. I highly recommend Tylenol Cold, as it’s always helped me.

    Fun snippet…I figure someone is about to pass out, swaying like that.

  2. Well, I just got over a two-week cold, so hopefully I’m okay for the convention here next week. And… Oh, right! Your snippet!

    I’m always going to love Sorne. Very interesting developments this week. Can’t wait for next.

  3. Hope you feel better soon!

    Nice snippet. I like Sorne’s calm control over the situation.

  4. After an adrenalin rush, yeh, I know the feeling. Swoon time. Nice little snippet. Master Sorne is so collected. Love her! Feel better soon!!

  5. Now maybe we’ll get the real story.

  6. Feel better!

    I totally get the swooning after an adrenaline rush. I look forward to finding out what Ambrose has to say.

  7. Sounds like things have calmed down now.

  8. Urgh…wonder what’s wrong with Ambrose. But yes, tension’s down some.

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