Science Fiction Fantasy Saturday

SFF Saturday is a group of authors who post snippets of SFF prose and poetry for comment. You can check out other SFF Saturday posts, too.

My snippet is another few lines from a work in progress called Herald (at the moment). Eventually, the project be a fantasy loosely based on the Hundred Years War, but it’s in the very early draft stages.

My first snippet is here,Β  the second is here, and the third is here. These lines follow those.

Fear slammed into Denis, chilling his skin even more. He knew that voice, though the man who possessed those tones should not have been walking the field of the dead.

Denis should have heard his–their–approach, for the man who spoke was never alone. He bowed to the King of Angth and to the two men who trailed their sovereign like wraiths.

“I know his name,” the king said again. “Will you not speak it?”

The Red King they called him, though his hair shone like gold and his eyes were as blue as the sky above the haze of dead names. Denis turned away and regarded death on the ground. “Surely one of your own pursuivants must name him, Sire.”

“Must they?”

Categories: SFF Saturday

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27 thoughts on “Science Fiction Fantasy Saturday

  1. Ooh! Conflict. You do a nice job of world-building with this scene. Each snippet just adds more and more. I really look forward to seeing the whole.

  2. Very descriptive. Love it, and I can sense the tension building up for the next scene.

  3. Definitely building things up for the next snippet. Enjoyed it.

  4. I’m enjoying these weekly looks into the world of “Herald”. Keep writing!

  5. I can feel the chill and desolation on the field of the dead. Nice description you weave.

    • Thank you, Ceres. I wanted to evoke the emotional toll this is having on Denis to be wandering this field.

  6. Strong, bleak, very effective. The description of the king with the bright primary colours in comparison with the names of the dead works very well.

  7. Does Denis dare to challenge the king’s decision? Nice buildup to the conflict.

  8. Looking forward to the next snippet.

  9. Great description of the king. He strikes me as terrifying and cruel and I imagine every scene with him teeters on the verge of violence and I’m always sickly entranced by those characters. I’m intrigued, though hoping that Dennis escape unscathed. Great snippet, Anna.

  10. You have a great cadence to your writing, Ann, that makes the reading experience very enjoyable. It draws me in as much as the action!

    πŸ™‚ Heidi

  11. gayleramage

    Very intriguing snippet. Back for more next week. πŸ˜€

  12. Like the voice in this.

  13. Chilling snippet and great worldbuilding.

  14. Pingback: Science Fiction Fantasy Saturday « Ann Laurel Kopchik

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