Science Fiction Fantasy Saturday: Old Wounds #7


It’s time for another SFF Saturday Snippet! What’s SFF Saturday? It’s a group of authors who post snippets of SFF prose and poetry for comment. You can check out other SFF Saturday posts, too.

For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been giving you snippets from a short story I wrote called Old Wounds. This is the seventh part. You can find the other parts here.

When we left Master Sorne, her mysterious guest asked for the rest of Sorne’s blades.

Damn. Sorne added the knife from her belt and boot to the counter. “That’s all,” she said.

“His life depends on your honesty, Mistress.”

“Master,” she said. “And I’m lame, not blind.” She kept her hands where the man could see them. “How much do you want?”

He jerked his head up and had the gall to look insulted.

Well, then.

Categories: SFF Saturday

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17 thoughts on “Science Fiction Fantasy Saturday: Old Wounds #7

  1. Gall, indeed. Love Sorne’s character. I looked for the complete story, but couldn’t find it. Is it for sale?

    • It’s not for sale at the moment. I’m not actually sure what I’m going to do with it yet… it’s about 10K, but it’s kind of a side piece to a novel that I’d like to trade publish at some point. In the novel, Sorne is a minor character, but I was so taken with her, I wrote this story.

      I’ve toyed with the thought of self-publishing it, but I’m still fence-sitting.

  2. If you’re going to be robbed, at least make sure they address you correctly. Need to make sure those titles are correct. 😉 Great snippet!

  3. And the tale turns again…they size each other up a bit through dialogue, which was fun. I’m enjoying the twists you keep throwing in. If money isn’t a motivating factor behind this then what it? Fun reading!

    • Good question! Sorne’s curious about that, too. But really would like the gun put down.

  4. This seemed way short. -__- You need to write longer sentences. lol. Great snippet. I like how she thinks he wants money but he doesn’t (at least that’s the impression I got)… I am curious.

    • LOL! It is only 9. The next two are dialogue, so I didn’t want to break them up!

      Yeah, he’s actually there for something else…

  5. So what is he after? Her skills?
    I’m here, btw, at jarnianconfederation as usual. Thought I’d signed up.

  6. I already love the interaction between these two. Neither is stupid. Both are dangerous. I can’t wait to find out why he looked insulted!

  7. I loved that last line – lol!

  8. jmfilipowicz

    These two are made for each other. My snippet is in its usual spot.

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